Student Blogs

Finally Here!

September 10th, 2014 vlpaul16
Hi Everyone!

So I have been in Scotland for about four days and I have already fallen in love with St Andrews. Getting here, however, defiantly wasn’t a smooth journey with almost missing my connecting flight to Edinburgh to getting in the wrong line at customs. Yet, despite the bumps of the journey I finally made it to Scotland! My first few days at St Andrews have been a whirl wind. I’ve spent my time exploring the town, going to “freshers” events, and meeting tons of great people from all over the world. Some of my hall mates have also been helping me learn some British lingo. For example here in the UK sneakers are called “trainers” and the word “pants” here means underwear. Im sure by the end of the year Ill be a sure pro at British lingo.  I feel like there is so much to tell but Im off to do some shopping because now, for the first time ever, I have to cook for myself. For anyone who knows me they understand how much of a struggle this is for me. Defiantly more updates to come about my cooking chronicles! Below are just some pictures of what my journey has entailed so far!

Last Picture at home before heading off to the airport!

Last Picture at home with some of my family before heading to the airport!

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Here is the first meal i cooked for myself at St Andrews. Yeah I’m defiantly not a chef…and I have to buy utensils

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The view from the plane to Edinburgh

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Me on my walk at the pier this morning!

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Eating pizza with my friend Liz on the waters edge. Funny story about this was that some seagulls attacked us to get our food. Lesson most definitely learned: Do not eat food near  hungry seagulls…they will not hesitate to fight you for it lol

Bye for now!






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